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We want all boys, regardless of their abilities, needs or circumstances, to achieve the very best they can be. We want not only to open opportunities equally to all of our boys, we recognise our responsibility to scaffold and support in whatever ways are required to enable all of them, including those with SEND to actually enjoy those opportunities.

Implementation including personalisation of choice

  • We offer an inclusive curriculum accessed by all of our pupils in its entirety
  • We provide a range of interventions ranging from Lexia and Handwriting through to Social and Life skills to facilitate the successful integration of our SEND boys
  • All of our boys are tested in their reading which is then supplied to and used by the teachers. This includes SEND pupils and therefore again is inclusive, with teachers differentiating and pitching their lessons according to the full range of reading ages of their groups
  • In class through differentiated success criteria and in-lesson targets
  • Three tiers of specific SEND support:
    • EHCP pupils
      • Pupil profiles utilised by all teachers including needs, strategies and existing interventions
      • Quality assurance of advice by SENCO alongside CPD, weekly strategy sharing in the bulletin and drop-in sessions for staff
      • Specific monitoring through SEND only Show and Tell sessions with the pupils used to explore the pupils’ lived learning experiences and check the outcomes of the whole school findings for SEND pupils
    • SEN Support
      • Advice and guidance relevant to pupils’ needs centrally stored and utilised by staff in their lessons. This is enhanced by staff strategy sharing meetings weekly after staff briefings, with outcomes shared as advice in the staff bulletin
      • Quality assurance embedded into whole school Learning Walks and official observations which each specifically report on the meeting of pupils’ needs. Teaching Assistant meetings have a standing item reviewing staff application of the advice and guidance for SEND pupils – the outcomes of which are fed back to Curriculum Leads
      • SEND spot checking of the work scrutiny and Show and Tell outcomes for SEND pupils, who are always included in every Show and Tell group
    • In-Class Support
      • Advice and guidance relevant to pupils’ needs centrally stored and utilised by staff in their lessons.
      • Quality assurance embedded into whole school Learning Walks and official observations which each specifically report on the meeting of pupils’ needs. Teaching Assistant meetings have a standing item reviewing staff application of the advice and guidance for SEND pupils – the outcomes of which are fed back to Curriculum Leads
      • Show and Tell across the school always includes at least one pupil with SEND
  • In the curriculum offer through personalised advice and guidance and through additional withdrawal groups and interventions to equip pupils to access the wider curriculum


Our SEND provision is founded on Quality First Teaching that meets the needs of all of its pupils

  • Our SEND team ensure that all staff are aware of the needs of the pupils in their classes and the strategies that will best support their success in the wider curriculum
  • This is centrally stored and accessible to teachers who use it to plan their lessons and design their seating plans
  • The school monitoring systems ensure that staff accountability for this is maintained
  • SEND quality assurance focusses on the quality of information alongside the wider provision map
  • There is a clear centralised provision map outlining needs against the support available which is used to inform strategic planning

The Bexley Local Offer website is hosted by Bexley Council and provides information about services to children, young people and their families across Education, Health and Social Care.
To access Bexley Local Offer, click here

For more information regarding SEND provision, please contact Mr A Reddy - SENCO by email: a.reddy@hurstmere.org.uk