A warm welcome from our Principal
Our school is a popular, non-selective secondary academy for boys aged 11 – 16, serving the local community of Sidcup. Hurstmere School is a special place, with a strong sense of community and a determination to succeed in all that we do.
Our vision is for our pupils to 'Believe and Achieve'; to be the best that they can be. By promoting high aspiration and fostering a confident, self-belief that with hard work and determination, there are no boundaries to what they can achieve.
At Hurstmere, we have high aspirations for all our pupils, and our broad and balanced curriculum is tailored to foster a love of learning. We deliver a curriculum which is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills to give our pupils the foundations to fulfil their ambitions.
At Hurstmere, we believe that learning goes well beyond the classroom. We encourage every pupil to take part in extra-curricular enrichment activities and we are proud to offer an extensive range of clubs, trips and activities that are accessible to all. Our in-school and local offer spans from Bee Keeping to Lego club to our Nationally successful football teams.
Our vision is for our students to have high aspirations and a confident self-belief, that with hard work and determination, there are no boundaries to what they can achieve; that our students believe in themselves and achieve their full potential.