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PSHE – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education 

PSHE incorporates the statutory content of RSE and Citizenship. The priorities of this curriculum are that pupils move to young adulthood and beyond with respect for themselves and others, in order to live confident, healthy, and independent lives, navigating how to manage a variety of relationships safely. They have opportunities to critically think and debate UK and wider global issues and discuss moral and social questions, including those of equality and diversity, through varied styles of delivery. They are presented with issues around the law, parliament and democracy, volunteering and charities, as well as money matters to equip them for later life. They are encouraged to seek support in school with their health and are signposted to where support can be found from external agencies. 

PSHE is timetabled once a week in KS3. We also deliver a consistent Wednesday period 2 PSHE lesson weekly, taught by tutors. RSL’s and SLT in assemblies echo the major strands that PSHE cover. 


Content of the provision include: 

  • Respectful Relationships 
  • Families 
  • Online and the Media 
  • Being Safe  
  • The Law  
  • Health, mental and physical wellbeing 
  • Parliament 
  • Precious Liberties 
  • British Values 
  • Voluntary work and charities 
  • Law and Justice 
  • Money Matters & Careers

At Hurstmere, outside agencies including theatre companies, remote learning talks and workshop speakers, also support the provision to provide a wealth of advice and opportunities for our pupils and to signpost support on topics that may impact upon them. Opportunities are provided for pupils to weigh evidence, debate, solve problems, represent themselves and others, resolve conflict, research and work in groups and form healthy and respectful opinions. 

We aim that our provision will help prepare pupils for adult life, promote their safety and welfare, raise personal awareness and empathy as responsible and active citizens of their local, national and global communities.