The Purpose of the Science Curriculum is:
Science at Hurstmere school is planned to develop and encourage a 'can do' mindset in learners and staff by ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and accessible to all whilst providing appropriate stretch and challenge at every stage. The curriculum is broad, coherent and balanced which helps to deliver impact for all students. Pupils will leave Hurstmere that allow them to make positive choices in preparation for adulthood.
It is the intention that the Science department will seek to allow the Science curriculum to evolve to include the following aims:
To enable pupils to broaden their scientific view of the world around them and develop an understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas
Developing a deeper understanding of content within each of the three subject disciplines
Pupils are expected to ‘appreciate the achievements of science in showing how the complex and diverse phenomena of the natural world can be described in terms of a number of key ideas relating to the sciences which are inter-linked, and which are of universal application’
The curriculum also allows pupils to appreciate how our increasingly technological society is evolving using news stories and novel applications
Develop skills to understand, analyse and evaluate what’s happening around them scientifically
Develop power of rational explanation and a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomenon
To make links between different subjects and with themes they encounter in outside world
Develop high standards of ICT, literacy and numeracy skills
To provide a wide range of opportunities to develop social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness
R-Trails are embedded throughout the curriculum shaping the boys’ mindset and behaviours enabling them to become active, successful contributors as society’s future adults
To ensure and promote the provision of stretch and challenge to all students
Provide learning opportunities that are relevant, interesting and support the preparing for adulthood curriculum whilst inspiring creativity and original thinking
Build skills of independence and resilience in a safe and nurturing environment where pupils feel comfortable to challenge or question their own learning as well as the teachings of others
Promote the preparation of our students for the next stage of their education and adulthood by ensuring that the teaching of science provides opportunities for pupils to consider how their own learning in science contributes to the decision-making processes relating to future employment, independence, community inclusion and their own health and wellbeing.
Mrs S Bayar Assistant Principal
Mrs A Maslen Teacher of Science
Mr J McDonald Raising Standards Leader Year 10/Teacher of Science
Miss R Payne Teacher of Science
Miss K Salako-Moore Curriculum Leader Science
Miss J Warren Key Stage Co-ordinator Science
Mr D Watson Lead Practitioner in Science Department
Ms W Franiak Teacher of Science
Mr M Sims Science Support Assistant
Mrs C Speed Science Technician
Ms S Manjo Science Technician
KS4 Courses Offered
More information about the topics listed can be found in the Student Resources area of Sharepoint.
Reading Curriculum
Coming soon